Things I found interesting in March

[it was a hectic month so that I broke my habit, not arranging some time for myself to jot down what interested me in March. Yet there’s a saying, it’s better late than never.]

2 things to build in life – a great group of amazing friends & enough money saving for survival for long time

I came across an article mentioning these 2 things and found that I was lucky enough to have these two at the moment. It might relate to the inner peace I’ve just figured out in recent months.

Friends of mine have got my back; some to cheer me up whenever I’m in need even late at night or early in the morning dawn; some to take care of my daily healthcare by the act of forcing me to register a-whole-year-plan yoga practice; some to pamper me with memorable trips almost on a monthly basis; some to share a desire on giving back to community – education purpose, etc. Words just cannot describe my deep gratitude to such kindness, as well as my luck to have to them in each moment.

Being well-planned & well-managed on personal finance truly free up my mind. While meeting my mortgage due each month I manage to have some savings for my dream trip – Europe, and for some activities, not mentioned to an adequate amount of money for several-month survival without sacrificing my current living standard in case of losing job suddenly. This enables me to do what I love and to choose suitable corporate environment I would like to work for.

To sum up, these two things are worth building up and maintaining for lifetime. Here is the article’s link for your good read if needed

Simplify my facebook news feed

I’d been bored with auto-suggested news fed by facebook algorithm and felt somehow I lost control on what kind of news/information shown on my facebook homepage. It’s seemingly overwhelmed with irrelevant ads or acquaintances’ updates that I didn’t care or wasn’t eager to spend my time on. I came up with restructuring my facebook news feed, by unliking pages I no longer interested, unfollowing friends with negative thoughts or day-in-day-out mourning, etc. Small acts with enormous impact. Though less time surfing facebook each day, I still feel connected, timely catch up my friends’ latest updates, and read good articles /watch great videos through facebook feeds.

Forgive myself

The reason is too personal to speak out yet ‘forgiving myself’ truly makes me happy. Just want to make a remark.

2 thoughts on “Things I found interesting in March

  1. It seems you have been gradually finding inner peace again. Keep it up. My suggestion for your writing is to keep doing it on a regular basis, but find additional reasons to do so instead of using it only as a channel for your emotions. People are more likely to write when they are depressed or unhappy, but the negative cycle often feeds upon itself to become even stronger. From my experience, it’s better to face your pain directly, smile at it, embrace it tenderly as if it is someone who needs your love and care, but don’t give it energy. I think one of the better reasons to write is to share your wisdom with the intention of helping someone else to discover their path. It’s a sustainable source of ideas and often you’ll discover yourself in new, positive ways while doing so. 🙂

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